Qatari sheikh punished to worker with electric shock as example to others
He placed the shock collar on the worker who had abused Mr Al Thani’s dog and shocked him Mr Hope said.
“When Mr Al Thani did this, he lined up all the physical labourers,
approximately 10 to 15 people at his personal residence and made them
A witness told The National that the sheikh repeatedly pressed the remote control button on a unit that operated the collar.
The Indian worker screamed in pain, collapsed and was left with burns around his neck, it was claimed.
Dog shock collars are training devices designed to deliver up to
6,000 volts of electricity for up to 11 seconds at a time to control an
animal’s behaviour, welfare groups said.
The RSPCA said its staff tested the devices on themselves during
their efforts to have the devices banned and said they “applied a decent
shock – it hurts”.
The devices are banned in parts of the UK because of the harm and
suffering they cause. The government promised to make them illegal
across Britain.
Police Tasers, designed to bring down violent attackers, peak at 50,000 volts.
Mr Hope also told of a multinational group brought in to work at the
Doha Race Club, a racing track that Sheikh Khalid owned and built in
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