Showing posts with label Hacks. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Hacks. Show all posts

Wednesday 25 January 2017

Students Hacks and Facts

                    Students Hacks and Facts

Avoid using the word “very” because it’s lazy. Someone isn’t very tired, they are exhausted. Something is very bad, it’s atrocious. Someone isn’t very afraid they are terrified.

Looking for some new music to study to? is a site that you find new music based on your current mood.

Math Facts

Playing with puppies and kittens relieves stress and can help students perform better on exams.

Paper due? Low on black ink? Change the font color to dark tan. It looks almost identical to black ink.

Didn’t finish your paper? Copy and paste a bunch of random symbols in a Word document and hand it in. Your teacher will think the file was damaged, buying you more time to finish.

Writing something out is the memory equivalent of reading it seven times. A good tip to know when studying.

Taking notes with different colored pens kick starts your visual memory when trying to remember them at another point in time.

Want to write essays and bibliographies like a pro? Get the information from Wikipedia and cite the sources listed at the bottom.

Need a quick and simpler definition of a word? Use an online thesaurus. They usually have close to one word definitions.

The easiest way to finish a paper in no time is to pick a subject that infuriates you. You’ll easily be able to rant about it and the pages will fly by.

Stumped on a question or math problem? Lie down. Your thought process is much faster when you’re lying down, which is why you always lie down at psychiatrist appointments.

Avoid using the word “very” because it’s lazy. Someone isn’t very tired, they are exhausted. Something is very bad, it’s atrocious. Someone isn’t very afraid they are terrified.

Thursday 12 January 2017

Amazing facts about Facebook

Amazing facts about Facebook

You can't block Mark Zukerburg on Facebook .

Facebook tracks which sites you visit,even after you have signed out.

Facebook has a feature that lets you designate who will mange your account after you die.

Al Pacino was the first "face" on Facebook.

In Britain, a woman was given 20 months in jail  for creating fake Facebook profiles to send abusive messages to her self.

600,000 hacking attempts are made to Facebook accounts every day.

Facebook photos and videos are uploaded via mobile that it takes  up 27% of upstream web traffic.

79% of all users are accessing Facebook from their mobile.

Facebook,Twitter and The New York Times have been blocked in China since 2009.

Common useful life hacks

Facebook has 95 million users in China despite being blocked.

Several people have been murdered for unfriending some one on Facebook.

How to earn money from YouTube

Facebook founder Mark Zukerburg donated us $1 billion to charity in 2013,making him the biggest charitable donor in the US.

Facebook is estimated to spend US $30 million in month on hosting alone.

Every minute there are 150,000 messages sent.

The average Facebook US user spends 40 minutes a day on the site.

A third of all divorce filings of 2011 in the US contained  the word  "Facebook".

Smartphone users check Facebook 14 times a day. 

Wednesday 11 January 2017

Common useful life hacks

You can heal paper cuts and immediately stop the pain by rubbing the area with chapstick.

Learning a new language? Try to find a translation of your favorite book when you were 9-12.

Adding vodka to your shampoo can strengthen your hair, prevent dry scalp, and stop dandruff

Never use your favorite song as your alarm clock, you'll end up hating it.

Deodorant on an insect bite or other itchy site will stop the itch.

Things you don't know about cats

Spiders hate peppermint oil. Put some in a squirt bottle with water, spray your garage and all door frames, then watch the spiders run!

When buying a romantic card, get two. Write the inscription from card A into card B and pretend you can write sweet things.

If you put your fingers in ice water immediately after painting your nails the paint will dry instantly.

Put your wet sponge in the microwave for 2 minutes to kill 99% of the bacteria.

To clean a microwave: Put a bowl of water inside and microwave for 3 minutes. The steam will moisten everything up making cleaning simple!

Drinking two cups of water before meals can make you lose an average of 4.5 more pounds within 12 weeks than if you don't.

Do not use chemicals to kill ants. Instead, get a spray bottle, fill it with water and salt (25%), shake well, spray... boom, dead!

9 foods that get rid of an upset stomach: Bananas, Ginger, Plain yogurt, Papaya, Apple Sauce, Oatmeal, White Rice, Chamomile Tea, Chicken Broth

Want kids to behave on road trips? Bring a bag of candy. Anytime they misbehave, throw a piece of candy out the window.

Boiling water before freezing it will give you crystal clear ice.

Replace the butter in almost every recipe with coconut oil. It has a rich, lightly sweet taste, and it’s super healthy.

If you drop an earring, ring, or small screw simply turn off the lights and look with a flashlight. They'll light right up.

Drinking a cold glass of water in the morning will wake you faster than a cup of coffee.

Trying to quit smoking? Lick a little salt with the tip of your tongue whenever you feel the urge to smoke. This is said to break the habit within a month.

You can clear a room full of cigarette smoke in about a minute simply by spinning a wet towel around.

By raising your legs slowly and lying on your back, you cannot sink into quicksand.

Put dry tea bags in your smelly shoes or gym bags, it will absorb the unpleasant odor.

Top useful hacks about your smartphone 

Tuesday 10 January 2017

Top useful hacks about your smartphone(Mobile)

Top useful hacks about you (mobile) smartphone

Running low on battery? Put your phone on Airplane mode and it'll charge much faster!

Rubbing an eraser on a scratched LCD screen can sometimes remove the scratch.

Need some free WiFi? The best places to go are Panera, McDonalds, Apple Store, Office Depot, Staples, and Courtyard Marriott.

Any working cell phone, regardless if it is in service or not, will call 911.

 Want to save on your phone bill? Gmail offers free calling to anywhere in the US, as long as you have internet and a mic.

Cleaning cache will bost your smartphone

Top Applications Bost Your Android Performance

Slide is an Android app that displays ads on your lock screen, this means you get paid every time you unlock your phone.(

Using your phone while it's charging can damage the battery. This is why the cords for chargers are so short.

If your phone battery is really low and you need it for later don't turn it off. Instead, put it on airplane mode. Turning it off and on will waste more battery life.

If you are buying headphones/speakers, test them with Bohemian Rhapsody. It has the complete set of highs and lows in instruments and vocals.

Putting your phone on airplane mode will stop ads while playing games.

I hope you enjoy the post, if you know more share with us in comments.