Tuesday 31 January 2017

How to write Novel or Essay

               How to write novel or Essay

                        Step By Step

1.Language: Language is the important thing for writing essay or novel. You need to a choose  language that you are best in writing .

2.Topics: Choose good topic for writing  essay or novel , select some kind of different topics that reader like to read.

Multitasking on Android like Computers

3.Grammar: Grammar is main thing for writing essay or novel. If your grammar is weak than nobody like to read your essay or novel.

Students Hacks and Facts

4. Create a clear line of your story:
What I mean is making it clear in your mind, instead of saying it clearly in your story. For example,my friend write her parents' story to express her desire of trust and responsibility But you can also use these stories to condenm some ugly aspect of humanity Before you start to narrate your stories, make it clear what you want to express through them. A steadfast theme can make your novel more understandable.

5 Focus on details:
such as conversation speech, appearance and looks. That can beautify your novel,making it vivid.
                   Watch video

Monday 30 January 2017

Multitasking on Android like Computers

 Multitasking on Android like Computers

Today i will tell you two Android that will help you multitasking on Android like 0ur computer .

1:Leena Desktop UI Multiwindow:

The multi-window Leena Launcher (beta) brings the desktop operating system experience to your android device by extending Android with a native desktop user interface. It is not really an "OS" by it own means, but we work hard that feels like one ;)

No rooting, no alienating user interface, no messing up of Android internals, no hacks. Leena Launcher is "just" an android app that seamlessly integrates into Android ecosystem and allows to use Android as a full blown desktop operating system. It allows you to use your mobile device where you previously defaulted back to a laptop or desktop PC. Comfortably write long emails, browse on a larger screen, or do some heavy work, or do whatever you like to do.

Bringing Android to the desktop... because it's nicer and a bit leena ;)

The Leena Launcher comes with the following apps included:
- a native file manager app
- a native webbrowser app
- a native launcher app
- a native video player app (via file manager)
- a native image viewer app (via file manager)
- several web apps

YouTube Facts 2017

To connect mouse, keyboard and monitor feel free to use ...
- a HDMI-adapter,
- an USB-adapter,
- a Bluetooth mouse and/or keyboard,
- screen mirroring or casting apps
- a docking station
                      Download Leena

2:Andromium OS;

Andromium OS turns your android device into a full functional computer by attaching your device to TV/Monitor and Keyboard and Mouse.

                      Download Andromium

Let us know how you like it!

Saturday 28 January 2017

YouTube facts 2017

YouTube facts 2017

The most searched tutorial on YouTube is How to kiss.

The first YouTube video was uploaded on April 23,2005, featuring its co founder Jawed Karim at Sab Diego Zoo.

60% of YouTube's 1000 most popular videos are blocked in Germany.

How  to disable and How to hide App lock

YouTube has over a billion users,almost one- third of all people on the internet.

All YouTube'sheadquarters, employees can either take the elevator, stairs or a big slide.
YouTube can be navigate in more than 75 different languages,  covering 95% of the internet population.

The most disliked video on YouTube is Justin Bieber's "Baby" with over 4,400,000 dislikes.

The woman who rented her garage to Larry Page and Sergey Brain in 1998 when they were creating Google later became the CEO of YouTube.

Students Hacks and Facts 

YouTube is the second largest search engine, right after Google. It's bigger than Bing, Yahoo,and Ask combined.

Google bought YouTube for US$1.65 billion stocks just 18 months after YouTube's  creation.

The total number of people who use YouTube - 1,300,000,000.300 hours of video are uploaded to YouTube every minute!

Almost 5 billion videos are watched on Youtube every single day.

YouTube gets over 30 million visitors per day.

Friday 27 January 2017

How to disable and How to hide App lock

       How to disable and How to hide App lock

how to unlock applock without password in android phones?
Is it possible to bypass the Applock folder-lock on apps without even knowing the password? Yes it is possible and here it is how. It is very annoying to see every app locked by Applock in your friend's phone and you want to access it for some reason. If your friendis nearby then he may tell you the password butwhat if he isn't and you really want to use thephone right now (may be for booking the last movieticket)? In such cases you may find this trick to unlock applock without password very useful.

How to unlock Applock Protected Apps
So, how to unlock Applock? This is really easy
and can be done in just seconds. There are two
tricks that can be used here.

Trick 1:
Long press the Applock icon in the app drawer
and uninstall it. Problem solved! Now since
there is no Applock, no password is required and you can access any app or folder on the phone.
You can also uninstall the Applock by going to
settings apps applock uninstall. After your
work is finished just reinstall the app Now what if you don't want to uninstall the app?Read on.

Money Saving Facts

Trick 2:

Go to Settings Apps All apps
Find the Applock app in the list Tap on Freeze or Force Stop That's  now the Applock app will be stopped or freezed. That means it will not work for now. Now you can open any app on the android phone which was protected by Applock earlier. It will not ask for password now. Once your task is finished, you can tap the Applock icon in the app drawer or home-screen to open it. No the Applock will move from freeze state to running state and work normally like earlier asking you for password. This way your friend will not even know that you unlocked app lock without even knowing the password.

How to secure app lock.

So now you know how to unlock app lock. But what if you don't want to become victim of thise There are few measures here, which will protect the Applock app from being opened without password.One way is to password lock your Settings using Applock so that no one can uninstall or force stop it.Hide the Applock Icon,Go to app lock Settings find Hide Applock option.

To unhide Go to Phone app and dial #1234 It open the Applock app
After installing the APP lock app you can make it a device administrator so that no one can uninstall or freeze ita Go to Settings Security Device Administrators, you should find applock option there. Give applock the administrative rights by checking the applock option.

           Watch video how to disable and How to hide App lock

Thursday 26 January 2017

10 Money Saving Facts

                       10 money saving facts

When buying something from Craigslist, use a fake e-mail address to lowball the seller by a lot. Then, using your regular e-mail address, offer a reasonable but still lower price. People will usually go for the second offer.

Too old to trick or treat on halloween but still want some free stuff? Head over to iHop and get some free pancakes. You can also get 50 cent corn dog at sonic.

Students Hacks and Facts

Don’t buy new ink cartridges for your printer. Take the old ones to Costco and get them filled for only $10.

If you have a “.edu” e-mail address, you can get a free Amazon Prime account. This lets you watch many TV shows and movies via Amazon.

Worried about student loans? SponsorChange.org is an organization that will help you pay off your student loans in exchange for volunteer work!

If a Duracell battery leaks and destroys one of your devices, the company will replace the device if it’s sent to them with the defective batteries still in the place.

Grabbing a quick snack from the vending machine but it got stuck? Don't buy the same bag again to unjam it, buy the item above it.

Thinking about getting a new laptop, phone, or other electronic device for school? Try holding off on buying it till October. You can usually get up to 40% off most electronics during the month.

Never go to the grocery store hungry. You’ll end up buying several things you don’t actually need.

Need some extra cash this semester? You can buy and sell your study notes on Flashnotes.com 

Wednesday 25 January 2017

Students Hacks and Facts

                    Students Hacks and Facts

Avoid using the word “very” because it’s lazy. Someone isn’t very tired, they are exhausted. Something is very bad, it’s atrocious. Someone isn’t very afraid they are terrified.

Looking for some new music to study to? Musicovery.com is a site that you find new music based on your current mood.

Math Facts

Playing with puppies and kittens relieves stress and can help students perform better on exams.

Paper due? Low on black ink? Change the font color to dark tan. It looks almost identical to black ink.

Didn’t finish your paper? Copy and paste a bunch of random symbols in a Word document and hand it in. Your teacher will think the file was damaged, buying you more time to finish.

Writing something out is the memory equivalent of reading it seven times. A good tip to know when studying.

Taking notes with different colored pens kick starts your visual memory when trying to remember them at another point in time.

Want to write essays and bibliographies like a pro? Get the information from Wikipedia and cite the sources listed at the bottom.

Need a quick and simpler definition of a word? Use an online thesaurus. They usually have close to one word definitions.

The easiest way to finish a paper in no time is to pick a subject that infuriates you. You’ll easily be able to rant about it and the pages will fly by.

Stumped on a question or math problem? Lie down. Your thought process is much faster when you’re lying down, which is why you always lie down at psychiatrist appointments.

Avoid using the word “very” because it’s lazy. Someone isn’t very tired, they are exhausted. Something is very bad, it’s atrocious. Someone isn’t very afraid they are terrified.

Tuesday 24 January 2017

Math Facts

                               Math Facts

Among all shapes with the same perimeter a circle has the largest area.

2,529 is the smallest number that can be exactly divided by all the numbers 1 to 10.

There are  177,147 ways to tie a tie , according to mathematicians .

Food Facts 

In group of 23 people , at least tow have the same birthday with the probability than 1/2.

Newton discovered calculus in about the same amount of time the average students learn it.

The largest prime number ever found is more than 22 million digits long.

The word fraction derives from the Latin fracito-to break however,there are continuous fractions.

Ancient Babylonians did math in base 60 instead of base 10 . That's why we 60 seconds in a minute and 360 degrees in a circle.

Multiplying 21978 by 4 reverse the order of the numbers :87912.

Monday 23 January 2017

Food Facts

                              Food Facts
Eating fast food regularly has the same impact  on the liver as hepatitis .

India has the world's lowest meat consumption per person.

California is the world's 5th largest supplier of food.

Honey is the only food that will never rot, it can last 3000 years.

The jars of nutella sold in a year could cover The Great Wall of China, 8 times .
Health Tips and Facts 

Dynamite is made with peanuts.

Cheese is the most stolen food in the world .

Microwaving food does not diminish the nutrients . When done right , it's  actually one of the most nutritionally sound methods in food preparation.

Airplane food isn't very tasty because our sense of smell and taste decrease from 20 to 50 percent.

Chicken contains 266% more fat than it did 40 years ago.

Coconut water can be used (in emergencies )as substitute for blood plasma.

Peanuts are not nuts , They are legumes .

Saturday 21 January 2017

Health Tips and Facts

                        Health Tips and Facts

If you're coughing uncontrollably, raise your hands above your head and it will stop!

Eyes Facts

Trying to quit smoking? Lick a little salt with the tip of your tongue whenever you feel the urge to smoke. This is said to break the habit within a month.

Drinking a cold glass of water in the morning will wake you faster than a cup of coffee.

Watching horror movies can burn up more than 180 calories.

9 foods that get rid of an upset stomach: Bananas, Ginger, Plain yogurt, Papaya, Apple Sauce, Oatmeal, White Rice, Chamomile Tea, Chicken Broth

Drinking two cups of water before meals can make you lose an average of 4.5 more pounds within 12 weeks than if you don't.

Have hiccups? Hold your breath and swallow three times.

Sugar can cure a burnt tongue.

Eating watermelon can help reduce acne breakouts and keep skin healthier.

If you tend to wake up early after drinking, it might be because your blood sugar is low. A slice of bread or peanut butter can solve this.

Eating meat and dairy products increases your body's production of melanin; the compound that can help you stay tan in the winter months.

A cure for headaches: Take a lime, cut it in half, and rub it on your forehead. The throbbing should go away.

Friday 20 January 2017

Eyes Facts

                                  Eyes Facts
We spend about 10% of our waking hours with our eye closed , blinking.

If human eyes was a digital camera it would have 576 megapixels.

Life tips and facts

Cats have 3 eyelids.

People who are blind can see their dreams if they weren't born blind.

An eye is composed of more than 2 million working parts.

Hum eye can distinguish about 10 million diffrent colors.

Your eyes can get sunburned.

People with blue eyes have a higher alcohol tolerance.

A fingerprint has 40 unique characteristics, but an iris has 256, a reason retina scans are increasingly being used for security purposes.

Bees have 5 eyes.

It is impossible to sneeze with the open eyes.

Eyes are the second most complex organ after the brain.

Ommatophobia is the fear of eyes.

The space between your eyebrows is Called Nasion.

You blink about 12 times every minute.

Dolphin sleep with one eye open.

Thursday 19 January 2017

Life Tips and Facts

Life tips and facts 
When nothing goes right, go to sleep.

 Buy a fire extinguisher before you need a fire extinguisher!

 Don't keep all your weird shit in one drawer.

Computer and internet facts and tips 

Don’t piss into the wind.

Having trouble sleeping? Blink fast for a minute. Tired eyes help you to fall asleep.

To remove gum from hair, dip into a small bowl of Coke, leave for a few minutes. The gum will wipe off.

Fifteen straight minutes of laughter has the same health benefits as 30 minutes of sit-ups.

A cure for headaches: Take a lime, cut it in half, and rub it on your forehead. The throbbing should go away.

Try to spend more money on experiences and less on things.

Life Tip: Don't ask the teacher a question with 30 second of class left. People want to leave.

Out of lives on Candy Crush? Turn your phone time forward 2.5 hours, open up the app and you'll have full lives. (Don’t forget to turn the time back after playing)

Smile before answering the phone. It will make you sound happier and lead to a better conversation.

If you’re the smartest person in the room, you’re in the wrong room!

Start your day by thinking positive thoughts and you will have a positive day.

Bees can't see you if you aren't moving.

Respect your parents. They passed school without Google!

When meeting someone for the 1st time, ask them what they LIKE to do, rather than what they do. It'll get them excited and spark conversation.

Out of pillow cases? Use a t-shirt.

Push a straw through the middle of a strawberry to easily remove the stem.

Go 24 hours without complaining (not even once!) then watch how your life starts changing.

Take a picture of business cards people hand you, just incase you lose it.

 Life begins outside your comfort zone.

Wednesday 18 January 2017

Computer and Internet Facts and Tips

          Computer and Internet Facts and Tips

When buying something online only read the reviews that gave it 3 stars—they're usually the most honest about pros and cons.

Go to youtube.com/disco and enter in an Artists name and YouTube will auto arrange a playlist based on uploads of that artist.

Need to test a printer? Print the Google homepage, it has all the colors and uses almost no ink.

10 facts about Brain

Didn't finish your paper? Copy and paste a bunch of random symbols in a Word document and send it. Your teacher will think the file was damaged.

Confusing Wikipedia article? Click "Simple English" on the left list of languages and it'll whisk you to a simplified version!

If you have a .edu email address, you can get an Amazon Prime acct.  This lets you watch almost unlimited TV/Movies.

If you have a computer that blocks sites such as YouTube, Google Chrome’s incognito mode will let you access them.

If you want to download a Youtube video, just add "ss" to the URL between www. and Youtube.

If you are buying headphones/speakers, test them with Bohemian Rhapsody. It has the complete set of highs and lows in instruments and vocals.

Have a problem with not remembering if you took your pills or not? Flip the bottle every time you take them.

If you download a "PDF" file and you see it ends in "exe" delete it. It's usually a virus.

To listen to a song on Youtube on repeat without having to keep pressing ‘replay’ at the end, add ‘repeat’ between ‘www.Youtube’ and ‘.com’.

To skip a YouTube ad, just change 'youtube' to 'youtubeskip' in the URL of any video.

Tuesday 17 January 2017

Top 5 Oceans

                               Top 5  Oceans

Area:155,557,000(sq km)
The Pacific Ocean is the largest of the Earth's oceanic divisions. It extends from the Arctic Ocean in the north to the Southern Ocean in the south and is bounded by Asia and Australia in the west and the Americas in the east.

Area:76,762,000(sq km)
The Atlantic Ocean is the second largest of the world's oceans with a total area of about 106,460,000 square kilometres. It covers approximately 20 percent of the Earth's surface and about 29 percent of its water surface area.

Top 5 Islands of world 

Area:68,556,000(sq km)
The Indian Ocean is the third largest of the world's oceanic divisions.

Area:20,327,000(sq km)
The Southern Ocean, also known as the Antarctic Ocean or the Austral Ocean, comprises the southernmost waters of the World Ocean, generally taken to be south of 60° S latitude and encircling Antarctica. 

Area:14,056,000(sq km)
The Arctic Ocean is the smallest and shallowest of the world's five major oceans. The International Hydrographic Organization recognizes it as an ocean.

Monday 16 January 2017

Top 5 Islands of world

                    Top 5 Islands of world 

Kalaalit Nunnat (Greenland)
Location:North Atlantic Ocean
Area:21,75,597 (sq km)
Greenland is a massive island and autonomous Danish territory between the North Atlantic and Arctic oceans. Much of its land surface is covered in ice. Most of its small population lives along the ice-free, fjord-lined coast, particularly in the southwest. Its northerly position, largely above the Arctic Circle, results in natural phenomena such as summer’s midnight sun and winter’s Northern Lights.

New Guinea
Location:Southwest Pacific Ocean
Area:8,20,033 (sq km)
New Guinea is a large Island in the South West Pacific region. It is the world's second-largest island.

10 facts about Brain

Location:West-Central Pacific ocean
Area:7,43,197 (sq km)
Borneo, a giant, rugged island in Southeast Asia’s Malay Archipelago, is shared by the Malaysian states of Sabah and Sarawak, Indonesian Kalimantan and the tiny nation of Brunei. It’s known for its beaches and ancient, biodiverse rainforest, home to wildlife including orangutans and clouded leopards. In Sabah is 4,095m-tallMount Kinabalu, the island’s highest peak, and, offshore, the famed dive site Sipadan Island.

Malaqasv (Madagascar)

Location:India ocean
Area:5,87,042 (sq km)
Madagascar is a huge island nation off the southeast coast of Africa. It's home to thousands of animal species, such as lemurs, found nowhere else, plus rainforests, beaches and reefs. Near the busy capital, Antananarivo, is Ambohimanga, a hillside complex of royal palaces and burial grounds, as well as the “Avenue of the Baobabs,” a dirt road lined by massive centuries-old trees.

Location:North Atlantic Ocean  (Canadian)
Baffin Island, in the Canadian territory of Nunavut, is the largest island in Canada and the fifth largest island in the world.

Saturday 14 January 2017

10 facts about Brain

10 facts about  brain

There are no pain receptors in the brain, so the brain can feel no pain.

There's a virus that attacks human DNA making people less intelligent impairing brain activity learning and memory .

While awake your brain generate between 10 and 23 watts of power or enough energy to power a light bulb .

Amazing facts about Facebook

Forgetting is good for the brain, deleting unnecessary helps the nervous system retain its plasticity.

It is thought that a yawn works to send more oxygen to the brain therefore working to cool it down and wake it up.

The pathologist who made Einstein body's autopsy stole his brain and kept it in a jar for 20 years .

We have more brain cells as a new born baby than we will ever have again.

Reading aloud and talking often to a you child promotes brain development.

A baby brain can use up to 50% of the total glucose simply, which may help explain why need so much sleep.

If your brain loses blood for 8 to 10 seconds you will lose consciousness.

Friday 13 January 2017

How to check data usage of your Android smartphone

Todayi will teach how to check data usage of your Android smartphone. By checking data usage you'll know how much data has cbeen used which app use it.
Step by step

Top useful hacks about your smartphone

First of all go to  you Android phone settings

 Click on Data usage


Now a graph will appear it show how much data used


Swipe down and see which application used how much data

Click on Wi-Fi  you will see data usage of wifi

If you isn't understand than watch our video 

Thursday 12 January 2017

3 useful google applications for your Android smartphone

3 useful google application for your Android smartphi that you need to use


Get news, weather and sports updates, and even search hands-free using your voice. The more you use the Google app, the better results you get. Transform the way you search on the go.
Ask Google to help you do things:
- “What are good restaurants nearby?”
- “Where is my package?”
- “Remind me to call mom at 5 pm.”
Talk instead of type*:
- Say “Ok Google” from any screen and ask a question
- Google will speak the answer aloud
Personalize your feed and get notifications*:
- Start your morning with weather, news & traffic
- Get updates on sports, movies & events
- Be up to speed with the latest stock market changes.



Get the official YouTube app for Android phones and tablets. See what the world is watching -- from the hottest music videos to what’s trending in gaming, entertainment, news, and more. Subscribe to channels you love, share with friends, and watch on any device.

With a new design, you can have fun exploring videos you love more easily and quickly than before. Just tap an icon or swipe to switch between recommended videos, your subscriptions, or your account. You can also subscribe to your favorite channels, create playlists, edit and upload videos, express yourself with comments or shares, cast a video to your TV, and more – all from inside the app.

• Browse personal recommendations on the Home tab

• See the latest from your favorite channels on the Subscriptions tab

• Look up videos you’ve watched and liked on the Account tab


• Let people know how you feel with likes, comments, and shares

• Upload and edit your own videos with filters and music – all inside the app

Google Photos


Google Photos is a new photo gallery from Google, made for the way you take photos today. Your photos and videos will be automatically backed up and organized, so you can find and share them faster - and never run out of space on your phone.

Finally, a photos app thats as smart as you.

Back up unlimited photos and videos for free in High Quality. Access them from any device and photos.google.com - your photos are safe, secure, and private to you.

Never worry about running out of space on your phone again. Photos that are safely backed up can be removed from your devices storage in just a tap.

Your photos are now searchable by the people, places and things in them - no tagging required.

Get automatically created movies, collages, animations, panoramas, and more from your photos. Or easily create them yourself.

Use the intuitive and powerful editing tools to enhance your photos and bring them to life. Adjust lighting, contrast, color, and vignette, or pick from 14 innovative photo filters to make your pictures look great in one tap.

Tell better stories, without the work. Automatically get a new album with just your best shots after an event or trip, then invite others to add their photos.

Dont waste data texting and emailing photos. Instantly share photos with any contact, email, or phone number, right from the app.

Its easier than ever to relive your memories. Get collages of photos you took a year ago on this day - perfect for #tbt.

View your photos and videos on your TV with Chromecast support.

Benefits of rooting your Android

  Rooting is the process of allowing users of smartphones, tablets and other devices running the Android mobile operating system to attain privileged control.

Benefits of rooting your Android

Increase your Android device memory, if your Android smartphone is rooted you can use your external micro SD card as a internal memory because Android won't to know difference. You need  more memory  root your android smartphone.

How To Recover lost notifications on Android 
Recover deleted photos from your Android,
Rooting allow your retrieve deleted photo from your Android with using DiskDigger photo recovery Android app, DiskDigger easy in use .

Backup everything , Root allows you to backup data that you want.

Improve your battery, If you reduce the clock frequency of you processor you will be able to reduce your Android smartphone  battery.

Uninstall preinstalled Application, Root allows you to delete system applications.

Note: Don't forgot root is serious thing.

Amazing facts about Facebook

Amazing facts about Facebook

You can't block Mark Zukerburg on Facebook .

Facebook tracks which sites you visit,even after you have signed out.

Facebook has a feature that lets you designate who will mange your account after you die.

Al Pacino was the first "face" on Facebook.

In Britain, a woman was given 20 months in jail  for creating fake Facebook profiles to send abusive messages to her self.

600,000 hacking attempts are made to Facebook accounts every day.

Facebook photos and videos are uploaded via mobile that it takes  up 27% of upstream web traffic.

79% of all users are accessing Facebook from their mobile.

Facebook,Twitter and The New York Times have been blocked in China since 2009.

Common useful life hacks

Facebook has 95 million users in China despite being blocked.

Several people have been murdered for unfriending some one on Facebook.

How to earn money from YouTube

Facebook founder Mark Zukerburg donated us $1 billion to charity in 2013,making him the biggest charitable donor in the US.

Facebook is estimated to spend US $30 million in month on hosting alone.

Every minute there are 150,000 messages sent.

The average Facebook US user spends 40 minutes a day on the site.

A third of all divorce filings of 2011 in the US contained  the word  "Facebook".

Smartphone users check Facebook 14 times a day. 

Wednesday 11 January 2017

How to earn money from YouTube

In the age of modern technology lots of people earning money from internet. There are lots of way to earn money from internet just sitting at home, Today i teach you  How to earn money from YouTube.

First of all you need to sign up in YouTube

Create a YouTube channel 

Make videos for your YouTube channel, it doesn't matter which  kind of video you make for your YouTube channel , You can make video about tutorials,tricks,tips,review, vlog, funny etc any kind of that you like you can make.

Enable monetisation  for your YouTube channel.

Connect your channel to Adsense

Review video criteria and  AD formats

Monetise video with ADs

If you are really interested in YouTube earning  i recommended you Pakistani YouTube channel Urdu Tube . In Urdu Tube channel you learn a to z about YouTube earning.